Port Olímpic regulations

The purpose of these regulations is to establish the general rules for the use and exploitation of the various elements that comprise the access points, the service area and the other elements and spaces of the Olympic Port of Barcelona by virtue of the Delegation of Powers Agreement dated 17 December 2020 between Barcelona City Council and the Government of Catalonia for exploitation of the Olympic Port of Barcelona (“Port Olímpic”), and the Full City Council Agreement, dated 29 March 2019, by which it was agreed to decentralise in Barcelona Serveis Municipals, SA (“BSM”) the functions corresponding to Barcelona City Council which are not of an authoritative nature.

The above notwithstanding all other rules or regulations that may also be applicable, including and in particular, Act 10/2019, of 23 December, on Ports and Transport in Maritime and Continental Waters (“Ports Act”), the legislation for its implementation, the Government of Catalonia Port Police Regulations and the BSM’s articles of association.

Likewise, the Port Regulations govern the relations between BSM and the preferential use rights holders over elements included in the Olympic Port area and with other users. 

Embarcacions al Port Olímpic